Logo of Herstory in East AsiaHerstory of East Asia

We want to show "herstory" in East Asia from local perspectives with a timeline and a map in our local languages, so that people from different regions of East Asia can learn more about the stories and rights women and LGBETQ+ have fought for.

Timeline & Map


2019年9月與11月Shofar 轉化社區聯盟分別提出「人工流產應於妊娠 8 週內施行」、「人工流產六天思考期」等公投提案。基於上述提案嚴重涉及女性身體自主權以及醫療專業等爭議,經中選會審議,認定有舉行聽證之必要。隨後,「人工流產應於妊娠 8 週內施行」於隔年1月因公投提案的格式不符規定,且語意不夠清楚,經限期補正仍未符合規定,決議依法予以駁回。雖然相關公投案並未順利成案,但在提出過程中也促使社會再度關注〈女性身體自主權〉、〈胎兒生命權〉、〈厭女情結〉、〈低生育率〉等社會議題。

#Body Right