Logo of Herstory in East AsiaHerstory of East Asia

We want to show "herstory" in East Asia from local perspectives with a timeline and a map in our local languages, so that people from different regions of East Asia can learn more about the stories and rights women and LGBETQ+ have fought for.

Timeline & Map

Japan journalist Shiori Ito awarded ¥3.3 million in damages in high-profile rape case

2015年4月時,日本記者伊藤詩織(Itō Shiori)因遭到知名媒體工作者山口敬之(Yamaguchi Noriyuki)性侵而向警方報案。兩年後,伊藤於2017年5月召開記者會向檢察審查會提出不服審查請求:山口的逮捕令儘管已下達但卻未實行、且檢方竟以證據不充分為由決定不予起訴。在這之後,媒體界相關的告發數量開始增長。

Tokyo, Japan
#Mee Too Movement#Legal Case#Work#Sexual Harassment#Sexual Violence in Fields